Yearly Archives - 2019

Round Hole Perforated Plate Sieves

Perforated metal sheets for standard test sieves manufacture are usually produced by punching of carbon steel and stainless steel 304, 316, 316L, etc. Mostly used is round hole perforated metal plate. Why Choose Perforated Plate Sieves Instead of Woven Wire Mesh Sieves? The test sieves made of perforated sheets/plates enable improved productivity in many fields of operations: pharmaceutical, chemical, metallurgic, environmental and for special programs of chipping, control sifting (industrial sieves) and solid filtering.How to Choose Round Hole Perforated Plate Sieves? Compared with square [...]

Applications of chain plate conveyor belt

chain link plate conveyor belt can be selected according to the materials and process requirements, and can meet the different needs of all walks of life. Widely used in the automatic delivery, distribution, and post-packaging of food, cans, pharmaceuticals, beverages, cosmetics and detergents, paper products, condiments, dairy and tobacco.